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chromatography of gases中文是什么意思

用"chromatography of gases"造句"chromatography of gases"怎么读"chromatography of gases" in a sentence


  • 气体色层分离法
  • 气体色谱法
  • 气相色谱法
  • 色相色谱法


  • The sensor has a good response time less than 3s and a detecting limitation up to 157ppm by combining the chromatography of gases in detecting the gaseous acetylene . and it can be used to measure the concentration of the gaseous acetylene on - line through suitable light source and air - chamber
    结合气相色谱仪对乙炔进行测定,得到该传感器检测下限为157ppm ,响应时间小于3s ,能较好地用于在线检测乙炔气体的浓度。
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